Marketing to Gen Z How do you make it right

Marketing to Gen Z: How do you make it right?

Harvee Designs

Harvee Designs

August 20,2024

Over the last ten years or so, companies have been trying to connect with millennials, who have a large purchasing capacity in the worldwide market.

However, as Gen Z consumers’ purchasing power steadily rises, firms may need to refocus their efforts on marketing to younger people.

Gen Z and Millennials cannot be clearly distinguished from one another in terms of time; belonging to a particular “generation” has more to do with cultural influence than with actual age.

Who is the Gen Z Generation?

“Zoomers” is another term for Generation Z, frequently shortened to “Gen Z.” These people were born between 1996 and 2012, or in the late 1990s and early 2010s.

As the first generation to have grown up in an age where social media, technology, and rapid connectivity are essential parts of everyday life, they are called the original digital natives.

Why is the Gen Z Generation different from others?

Digital media trends differ according to age group, according to a Deloitte analysis featured on Forbes. While there are many benefits to marketing to Generation Z, particular difficulties must be overcome.

The fast-paced digital world that Gen Z grew up in has caused them to have shorter attention spans. They choose companies that share genuine stories, embrace humor without adhering to cliches, and highlight real-world experiences.

Because Gen Z was raised in an era where privacy concerns were crucial, they are more careful when disclosing personal information.

Brands with a distinct mission and a solid dedication to environmental and social problems appeal to young people.

Understanding and addressing their concerns and challenges is the first step in marketing to today’s generation.

Marketing Strategies for Gen Z

When considering the behaviour of Gen Z consumers and the associated challenges, marketers must consider these six strategies to connect with this target generation effectively.

Establish Clear Values and Mission:

Define your brand’s values and mission before marketing to Gen Z or any other generation.

Stay honest and authentic. This means sticking to the brand’s core principles and influencing Gen-Z in an approachable manner about the benefits of the good or service.

For Example, Levi’s latest marketing campaign, Buy Better, Wear Longer, made quite an impact.

The basic idea is that you can wear clothes longer if you purchase higher-quality items. Also, by wearing clothes for a longer period, you can reduce waste and environmental damage.

Levi's latest marketing campaign, Buy Better, Wear Longer,


Be Transparent

The following action in your Gen Z marketing plan is to be transparent and responsible for any public mistakes you make.

Therefore, to establish a connection with this generation of consumers, brands must be upfront about their values, practices, and beliefs. As a result, people from Generation Z will be more able to make judgments and understand the social, environmental, and financial effects of your brand.

Gen Z-ers prioritize issues like diversity, sustainability, ecology, world hunger, and climate change among the essential brand characteristics that appeal to them.

For instance, McDonald’s Canada’s “Our Food, Your Questions” campaign is one of the most talked-about transparency marketing campaigns. During the campaign, customers can openly ask questions, which also gives McDonald’s a chance to debunk rumours, inform consumers, and stand behind its goods.

McDonald’s Canada’s “Our Food, Your Questions” campaign


Be Entertaining

Gen Zers are exceptionally good at content filtering. Gen Zers are different from previous generations in terms of what they find humorous or entertaining, ranging from their attraction to fast-paced entertainment to the odd meme culture.

Additionally, people enjoy advertisements that are both humorous and imaginative in the way they showcase the goods.

You can dispel doubt and establish more sincere relationships with Gen Z viewers by utilizing humour and entertainment.

Work with Influencers

Influencer marketing is becoming a part of the marketing strategy of today’s generation.

Furthermore, Gen Z generally trusts influencer recommendations more than conventional advertising. Therefore, it is essential to work strategically with content creators and influencers who share your goals and target demographic.

Influencers can stir up attention for new product launches by sponsoring freebies and contests or by posting unboxing videos and reviews.

Establish Brand Identity

The first question you need to ask yourself is whether Gen Z will be able to relate to your brand. Do you have a brand voice that appeals to Generation Z consumers?

To create an identity that is more approachable to a Gen Z audience, one should consider their hobbies, preferences, and way of speaking in social interactions.

For instance, by redefining its brand to appeal to young people of all ages, Duolingo has become a well-liked internet brand using humour and a bold, unpredictable image.

Duolingo new campaign for young generation


Prioritize Personalisation

Generation Z wants to see relatable, genuine people. The issues and viewpoints that your audience has should be reflected in your advertising content.

Expensive performers, long text passages, or a sales-focused tone in your commercial will not win over this audience.

Personalized marketing could prove successful in a generation that finds it challenging to stick with one single brand.

Marketing personalization can take many forms, from product suggestions to email campaigns and social media ads.

Update your marketing for Generation Z

Connecting with young people may seem challenging, but that doesn’t mean you can’t reach them.

To stand out in your industry and become a trendy brand that young people prefer over the competition, you need to be entertaining, tap into meme culture, and foster a sense of community.

Partner with us today, the best digital marketing company, to build strong branding and relationships.

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