What Site Structure Means to SEO?
What do you think the site architecture means to SEO? It is the way the pages are linked together.
It is often seen as an SEO tactic and the task is left to the website designer to figure out what to place where on the site. To have control on what you want your users to view on your website.
Site architecture is the information architecture is basically about how the pages are linked together. In the way as a site owner gives links to the other pages with a navigational structure to tell the users and the search engines which pages are important as well as those which are not significant, note that the pages seen as unimportant to the owner. It is in a way to convince the search engines that certain pages need not be shown much often.
If you linked the pages with the main navigation on every page of the website, you denote that they are important. And in the other case if it takes even four or five clicks to find them on the site, you say that they are not important. And the search engine will give them less weight accordingly because they have less search results. To say in the SEO way, it means they have less “link juice”
Talking about the website, you must think about “What are the important pages to be displayed on the main navigation”, probably the ones with more link juices.
Standing for the InformDoc website, there are few important templates within the website to be linked. The top navigation of the page which could be seen in all the pages and denotes that these links are useful and important. There is also another navigational section for the upcoming courses which could be seen only on the home page.
So, this is how the site architecture can act a crucial role in search engine optimization. Get your site structure refined now!
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